Unless, Until, and While

The unless statement is structured similarly to an if statement.

unless condition
  #thing to be done if the condition is false

It is basically the reverse of the if statement, because if statements will only be done if the condition is true, but the unless statement will only be done if the condition is false. The else keyword can also be used inside unless statements.

while statements repeat a block of code as long as a condition is true.

while condition
    #something to do

until statements are the opposite of while statements; they repeat until a condition becomes true. Here is their syntax:

until condition
    #something to do


Make sure that you don't make an infinite loop. An infinite loop repeats forever, stopping your program from ever advancing, because the condition never changes to what will stop the loop. Exercise

Make a while or until statement from scratch that will puts "I'm looping!" to the console 7 times.

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